Friday, January 31, 2014

Demons - Imagine Dragons

Student Success Statement
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
~Mother Teresa

Relfection: I think that this statement is trying to say that if u say nice words they will always remember it.

Occupational Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities:
Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides help patients who are mentally, emotionally, or physically disabled adjust to handicaps and regain abilities to perform daily living and self-care skills.  They work under the supervision of occupational therapists as part of a team with physicians, counselors, and physical therapists. 
$12,000 - $15,000 (Occupational Therapy Aides)  
$17,000 - $26,000 (Occupational Therapy Assistants)
Occupational therapy assistants must complete a two year training program that includes clinical experience.  They must also pass a national examination to earn certification as a qualified assistant.  
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Reflection: Do you think you would want to be it or not?
i think that i would want to be a occupational therapist because it looks like an interesting job to work in.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Nursing Home Administrator
Research, look for, and provide the following:
Duties and Responsibilities:
Nursing Home Administrators plan and direct operations of nursing homes and long-term care facilities.  They supervise personnel, financial, medical, and nursing administration. 
$40,000 - $55,000
Requirements differ, but most states require nursing home administrators to have at least a bachelor's degree in nursing home administration, complete an additional internship program, and pass a comprehensive examination. 
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?
Why? Why not?
 i think that i would not  like to be a nursing home administrator because its not something that i would want to work in...and they don't get paid a lot like other jobs of my interest.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pyramid Healing
Duties and responsibilities:
I don’t know about this.

From 100 to 300 dollars

Just look up the internet for information.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Student Success Statement
"Vision without action is a daydream,. Action without vision is a nightmare."
~Japanese Proverb

i think that this statement is trying to say that achieving and taking action is better than just planning goals.

Nuclear Medicine Technologist
Research, look for, and provide the following
Duties and Responsibilities:
Nuclear Medicine Technologists prepare and administer radiopharmaceuticals (radioactive substances) to detect and treat disease.  They then position equipment over patients to make images.  These pictures allow physicians to identify abnormal areas.  This helps in diagnosing illness. 

$28,000 - $42,000

Nuclear medicine technology training programs vary in length from one to four years.  One year programs that lead to certification are offered by hospitals.  Associate and bachelor degrees are offered in colleges and universities.

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Reflection: Do you think that you would like to be one?
Why? Why not?

I think that I would want to be a nuclear medicine technologist because it looks like an interesting job.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Glenn Cunningham competing for KU circa 1933.jpgGlen cunningham 

glen cunningham was in a fire when he was about 8 years old and his brother died in the fire at age 13 and glen had some really bad burns in both of his legs. the doctors said that his legs had to be amputated because of the burns.
Student Success Statement
" Adversity causes some men to break-others to break records"
~William A. Ward

Reflection: i think that this statement is trying to say that when people hit rock bottom they know that its no way to live.

Monitor Surveillance Technician
Research, look for, and provide the following:
Duties and Responsibilities:
Monitor surveillance technicians observe the electrical activity of heartbeats which is graphically displayed on a series of monitors in cardiac care units of hospitals.  They examine these patterns and provide the results to physicians and nursing staff.  
$26,000 - $41,000
Students wanting to become Monitor Surveillance Technicians should take math, science, and computer technology courses in high school. 
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?
Why? Why not?

 I think that I wouldn’t want to be a monitor surveillance technician because it is not something that I am interested in.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Student success Statement
" the best inspiration is not to outdo others, but to outdo ourselves."
~Anonymous author

 this statement is trying to say that you have to not impress no one and u have to be the best u can be.
Health Sciences Librarian
Research, look for, and provide the following:
Duties and responsibilities:
Health Sciences Librarians and Library Technicians collect and organize medical information and help practitioners find the information they need for patient care, education, research, and administration.

$20,000 - $30,000 (Library Technicians)  
$35,000 - $55,000 (Librarians)

Health sciences library technician training varies by employer.  Some provide on the job training, but all prefer that students complete library technician programs at a community college or technical school.  Associate's degrees can be earned in many of these programs. 

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Reflection: do you think you would like to be one?
Why? Why not?

I think that I wouldn’t like to be a health science librarian.